While it may be impossible to avoid experiences that hurt, disappoint, or even violate you, it is possible to overcome the effects of these experiences. In fact, in order to live a full life in every way, it’s not only possible, it’s necessary. The Other Side of Unforgiveness shares one of the deepest emotional hurts Danita has ever experiences and uses it as a teaching tool for anyone to apply and overcome their own personal hurts. The book discusses common obstacles people face when working to forgive themselves and others, gives practical steps to get past each obstacle, shows how unforgiveness negatively impacts our lives, and addresses the power struggle of the forgiver/forgiven. Her story of healing and resilience shows how the work of forgiveness may be difficult, but it can be simplified with a firm decision and a clear vision.
Product Information
Author: Danita Lynne
Genre : Self Help, MotivationalPreSale and Shipping Information
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